Putting Myself Out There

I decided I was ready for the world to read about my struggles. Please feel free to leave as many supporting comments as you like. Any comments I feel are too critical and not positive will be deleted. I thank you for visiting, but, please, keep your judgements about me to yourself.

All of you that are having the same struggles as I am, I pray for you in Facing Your Giant.

Weight Loss

Exersice Tracker

Friday, June 26, 2009


As you can see from the missed postings, I have fallen of the proverbial wagon - again!

Last week we were on vacation, and as good as my intentions were, I quit my workout. Thought I would start up again this week but have not! I have eaten everything I could get my hands on and have just been a real loser all week.

I have made a promise to myself that I will start working out again on Monday! I have to. Last week was not so bad because we were doing so much walking, swimming and beach combing that I was still getting some semblance of a workout, just not as intense as shredding. This week I have no excuse other than just being plane lazy.

I am also going to try to get on some type of better eating program. With all the fresh fruits and veggies this time of year I really have no excuse not to. And I realize it is not just me I am hurting. I have let Mattie May eat just about whatever she wanted this week. That is really bad when I start teaching my granddaughter such horrible eating habits!

So pray for me that I get back to changing. It is not just about me any more!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Still Here

Yes I am still here, and yes I am working out. Although last week and the first of this week was not good. I missed several days last week and early this week. I woke up yesterday determined that I was not going to stop and I got to moving. Even though I could tell I was a bit winded, I still made it through the entire DVD. And I am going to keep at it!

I also quit my food diary. That is a bad decision, I know. It just depresses me so to not be losing any weight. I need to check my measurements to see if there is any change there even though I haven't noticed any change in the way my clothes fit. I may not pick that diary back up just yet, but I am trying really hard to make a conscious decision on eating better.

We leave on vacation next week, and my goal, other than having a wonderful time, is to workout every morning and to pay attention to what I eat. Working out will not be a problem, I have learned that having my portable DVD player with the workout in it and having the TV on the news actually helps me make it through the workout. Again the eating better part will be the hardest part. Not just making right decisions, but we are going several places we have never been before and I am really not sure what the food choices will be. But I promise myself, I will do the best I can.

Knees are still hurting and it is now in my left knee as well as my right. When I go to the orthopedist after vacation, I will have him check out both. Until then, I will try and just ignore the pain and enjoy my trip. Luckily, we won't be climbing any mountains!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Failed Victory

Well - I try to make Sunday my off day for my workout, which I did this past Sunday.

Mondays, I get to sleep in a bit because Frank doesn't have to be at work as early as the other days. But I seemed to sleep in a little to much this past Monday. I didn't get my workout in before work and I had Mattie May that night so no workout that day either.

Tuesday, I slept to late too. Man I have got to quit doing that!! I planned on doing my workout just as soon as I got in from work. But one to many phone calls and Mattie May and Katie got here before I got it done so no workout again. Yikes!

Three days with no workout. Not good!

This morning I was determined to get up and get it done. And I did! I could tell a little difference in my breathing but I think it was actually good to let my knees rest a few days. Oh, don't get me wrong here. They still hurt like the dickens.

I have been wondering if I was going to try to continue while we are on vacation and after this morning, the answer is yes! I used the portable DVD player and worked out in the front room and it was just fine. Actually it was better. I did a little double tasking. I kept the TV on with the local morning news and had my DVD just loud enough to know what I should be doing. It seemed to go a little faster and I didn't concentrate on my aches and pains so much.

So sometimes maybe a little failure makes us try harder. Off to church and early to bed tonight so I will be ready to hit the floor running again in the morning.

Monday, June 1, 2009

No, No, No, and No

No - I didn't record what I ate this weekend.

No - I didn't do my workout on Sunday and Monday.

No - I didn't eat healthy for the past three days.


No - I don't feel bad at all! Especially after playing outside with Mattie May for a couple of hours and not getting tired or winded! We played and played! It was great. I pushed her in her swing for about an hour (while we made up a new game) and never got tired! It was amazing. A month ago, I wouldn't have been able to do that for 60 seconds much less 60 minutes!

Back on track in the morning!

To all my buddies on the shred or just starting - hang in there! Small victories are as important as big ones!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Yeah! It's Friday!

I have never understood why a four day week takes longer to get through than a five day week does. But this has been a long week. Not hard just long.

I managed to get up and workout this morning as much as I really did not want to. I should be getting close to my 30 days, I just haven't taken the time to go back and check. I am just glad I am still doing it. I am not seeing progress but I am feeling it. I keep telling myself that is what is important.

Also, I have decided I need to move on to level two even if I am not seeing the results others have. I just worry about my knee. I think I am just going to try it and if I can't do it, I will either go back to one or try three (I've heard that one is easier than two).

About my knee, I finally get an appointment with an orthopedist June 29. Isn't that crazy? How can they possibly be booked that far ahead? I hope it does OK during vacation because I know we will be doing a lot of walking. I guess I'll see!

Have a great weekend. Hope you have something fun planned.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Body Does Not Want to Cooperate!

I got up this morning at 5:00 AM to do my workout, and I did it. But for some reason, it felt like I was just on day two or three! I was very winded and my body just did not want to move. It was very strange. I did have one more Diet Coke than usual yesterday, but I wouldn't think that would make that big of a difference. Oh well, I will see what happens in the morning.

I am thinking about trying something new. I have a friend that has lost 12 pounds since May 12 on Trimblast. I have been hearing the ads for it every morning on the radio. She says it is great. Her husband has lost 7 pounds. Have any of you ever heard of this? Did you try it? What did you think? In the past when I have tried stuff like that, I didn't add any exercise. I am thinking since I have been exercising for almost a month this might help speed up some weight loss. I really am enjoying the workout and I don't plan on stopping any time soon.

Have a great day! And Keep Working Out!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yesterday Slipped By

I missed posting yesterday. I don't know how. I woke up, did my workout, came to work and all was pretty much the same as every other day.

I am really going to start making a VERY conscious effort to start eating better! I did not lose any more this week. I did miss two workouts, but on Monday I did go walk around the zoo. With that and all the laundry and cooking I did, that adds up some, but not enough. Today is probably not the best day to pay attention to calories but I am! We are having a pizza party for all the people who graduated from college this year. I can eat pizza, just a few slices, not an entire one by myself!

I know part of my problem is making myself eat slower. I am also going to start making a more conscious effort to do that to. I know I can do it! I have started working out and not stopped, so I know I can eat better too! I just think that is harder than exercising! There is so much good food out there!!!!!

But today is the day and I am going to do it!!!!